Why Proper Posture is Essential for Your Health

Sit up straight! 

Bend with your knees!

Posture is important! 

Shoulders back!

Does anyone else have those phrases pop into their head every time they turn their head?  I know I do.  I have certainly regretted ignoring them thousands of times.  This is a nifty guide to your posture that I am very much excited present to you.

One step to knowing if you need to fix your posture is being able to identify proper posture!  If you have any questions about posture, ask your experts at Advanced Chiropractic in Knoxville, TN.

How to Tell if You Have Good Posture:

  • your body weight is evenly distributed between both of your feet
  • your knees are both even and pointed straight in front of you
  • your hips are even
  • your shoulders are also even
  • when you relax your arms, they lay at your sides with your elbows even
  • you have strong core muscles
  • your spine has the correct curvature
  • your chin is parallel with the floor

I have only met one person in my entire life whose proper posture absolutely blew me away.  We were around 11 or 12; we were in the same dancing class and oddly enough, ended up in the same drama classes too.  Sure, plenty of people have great posture, though I think that what this young lady had achieved was perfect posture.  Not only did she look proper, she had all the adults blown away with her posture discipline.

We all know that proper posture is important.  So why were all those adults blown away?  Why did this pre-teen’s parents work so hard to set a great example and enforce her good posture practices?

Why Proper Posture is Important:

  • helps your balance
  • protects you from injuries
  • helps you be more nimble
  • not having proper posture can lead to injury
  • minimizes the physical stress felt inside of your body
  • using poor posture will bring you pain and discomfort
  • improves energy, appearance, attitude, performance, confidence, and more!
  • allows your organs and nervous system to function properly (the headquarters for your entire body!)
  • poor posture will create more wear and tear on your body (leading to conditions like arthritis, degeneration, and subluxation)

Just as important as why we want to achieve proper posture, is knowing how we achieved our poor posture!  This way we can slow down the progression of our bad posture and start get involved in the healing process.

Reasons You May Have Poor Posture:

  • tightness in your muscles
  • weak core muscles
  • slouching habits
  • pregnancy
  • excess weight
  • improper footwear

If left untreated, a slight postural issue can develop into something greater over time and end up taking a huge toll on your spine and nervous system!  Not to mention the pain and discomfort you will have to endure.

Chiropractic is Great for Treating Many Types of Posture Problems:

Kyphosis, or a hunchback, is a postural condition where your upper back curves too far forward, creating a hunch.  This condition is often accompanied by pain and stiffness in the back.

Flat back is a condition in which the natural curve in your back has straightened out.  The symptoms of flat back include constant back or leg pain and trouble standing up straight.

Hyperlordosis, or swayback, is when that natural curve in your back is exaggerated.  This effects your mobility and causes your back to hurt.

Forward neck, or text neck, is a condition where your head leans forward from your shoulders.  Here is a fun fact: for each inch your head is forward of your shoulders, there is about 10 additional pounds of stress on your neck, back, shoulders and your spine!  And wouldn’t you know it, these are the areas that feel pain, stiffness, and tension when you have this condition.

Visiting your chiropractic doctor is the perfect solution to treating your poor posture.  Your Advanced chiropractor in Knoxville, Tennessee helps you get back to great posture naturally, through utilizing a healing plan fitted just to you and your unique body.

If you have, or think you may have, an issue with your posture, do not hesitate; contact your chiropractor at Advanced Chiropractic Associates, today!

Advanced Chiropractic Associates, PLLC

7349 Chapman Hwy

Knoxville, TN 37920


About the Author

Kali S. Garcia is a natural health enthusiast.  As the owner and author of Mama Tea Social, she feels compelled to heal and the cold hard facts.  Connect with her on Facebook.


“Can a Chiropractor Help Improve My Posture? | Taylor Chiropractic.” Taylor Chiropractic & Wellness, 30 Sept. 2015, www.thetaylordocs.com/blog/can-chiropractor-help-improve-posture/.

“Do You Want to Improve Your Posture?” Living With Adult Scoliosis: Know Your Options | Chiro One Chiropractic Wellness Centers, www.chiroone.net/how-chiropractic-helps/posture.

Harvard Health Publishing. “Why Good Posture Matters - Harvard Health.” Harvard Health Blog, Healthbeat, www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/why-good-posture-matters.

Llewellyn, Jenny. “What Type of Posture Do I Have? Kyphosis, Flatback, Swayback, or Forward Head.” BraceAbility, 25 Apr. 2018, www.braceability.com/blogs/articles/types-of-posture-and-spinal-curves.

Nunley, Kim. “Why Is Posture Important?” LIVESTRONG,COM, Leaf Group, 11 Sept. 2017, www.livestrong.com/article/78788-posture-important/.

Preachuk, Deb. “The Importance of Posture Photos.” Pain Free Posture MN, www.painfreeposturemn.com/the-importance-of-posture-photos.

“Tips to Maintain Good Posture.” American Chiropractic Association, acatoday.org/content/posture-power-how-to-correct-your-body-alignment.


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