Weekly Health Talk with Dr. P: Lower Back Pain Stretch 2

On this week's episode of "Weekly Health Talk with Dr. P", learn the number one reason why back injuries happen. Also, be sure to check back next week for a new episode!

Alright Dr. Parson here again. Last segment we demonstrated that the forward bend with the slight twist is why your backs go downhill over time, again over time. So, let's uh let's use the analogy of the baseball player. They don't really have back problems more they have a knee problem but they squat all the time, all the time, all the time. Yes they're in shape but think about that squat. So, the average pers on uh squats many times and mostly they do it wrong even when they've been told they do it right. Give you an example. So, if you know not to do this, round your back, well now you're going to pick with your legs, good for you. So, you squat down, your heels are planted and then you get to a point and you start bending over generally because your hamstrings are tight, your calves are tight, and you hit a point where now you've got to bend over to get that object. So, you did good until you get to that point where it's no better than if you just bend over like so. So, I'll go back to the baseball analogy is that if you'll notice they're on their toes, right? Their heels are off the ground when they squat. So that's the common thread to all this so keep that in mind, heels up. So, they squat and they come down, heels are up, lift safe. Back flat, heels up makes you load your legs. Actually, load your butt a little bit but think about that. So, if you're going to do the squat that you've been taught at work and such then you need to go down, heels up and lift. Heels don't get planted. When the heels get planted, the back will start having to do more than it should because generally you're maybe not in shape, and your hamstrings and on and on that we just talked about. So that's the first method we'll get to the second method here shortly. 


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